The Lower Bavarian Conzella Verlagsbuchbinderei produces high-quality cloth bindings, brochures, children's and school books. 1 million books are produced per year at the production site in Pfarrkirchen on approximately 11,000 m². Many equipment variants and different sizes are the rule. Larger runs reach the dispatch on pallets, smaller ones arrive at customers packed into cartons. At this point in the logistics chain one could not yet recognize an optimum. Because the books often did not fit exactly into cartons on pre-configured standard cardboards.
Therefore, Conzella decided in favor of the HOMAG Automation <link record:tx_homag_products:tx_homag_domain_model_product:156 _blank>cardboard-box cutting machine VKS 250. "Before we had the VKS 250, we held available about 70 different carton sizes in our storage, but from those 70 60 often didn't fit and could only be managed with difficulties. Now, we have 30 spaces with corrugated cardboard and produce exactly the cardboard that we need," says Thomas Sparrer, location manager Conzella, enthusiastically. The cardboard is prepared directly at the cardboard-box cutting machine VKS 250 and can quickly be changed, if necessary. However, not only the flexibility, the fitting accuracy of the cartons, and the individual cutting were decisive for the purchase of the machine. Due to the additionally provided gluing station, the previously cut closure flaps are automatically glued. Thus eliminating a cumbersome fiddling with tape at Conzella and each book format gets its exactly fitting packaging.
"For us, the VKS 250 has the advantage that we can produce small quantities at particularly low cost. Compared to previous purchasing costs we save up to 50%", adds Thomas Sparrer. The whole packaging and logistics chain experienced an effective change. So far, the pre-fabricated cardboard had to be reordered and delivered on larger runs than originally ordered. Internal processes came to a standstill and delayed the delivery of goods. This difficulty belongs to the past now, and this even with cost savings.
“Compared to previous purchasing costs we save up to 50%.”Thomas Sparrer, Factory Manager at Conzella
More about Conzella Verlagsbuchbinderei
The Lower Bavarian Conzella Verlagsbuchbinderei produces high-quality cloth bindings, brochures, children's and school books. 1 million books are produced per year at the production site in Pfarrkirchen on approximately 11,000 m².