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Market situation and trends 2021 for HOMAG India.

In manufacturing there is a trend to move towards greater mechanisation and automation to reduce dependence on labour, where possible.

  • HOMAG India Pvt. Ltd. Phone:+91 80 6837 4545

Mr. Venkataramana Gorti on effects and trends due to COVID-19:

In spite of the pandemic and its uncertainties, business was good in the year 2020. There will now be a rush to cash in on the order bookings in the market to generate revenue, which had dried up during and after the lockdown.
What is important is that market sentiment in India is positive. There is a general trend to move towards more mechanisation and automation in manufacturing to reduce person dependencies wherever possible.

INDIAWOOD and DEHLIWOOD have helped us connect and network with the industry, not necessarily result in a big amount of sales. I think we should let 2021 be the year of getting back on our feet, not take risks with public participation in trade shows.
Traditional face-to-face exhibitions cannot be fully replaced by virtual ones.
But in the years to come, the world will slowly but definitely move to using technology for displaying and demonstrating products. As a result the foot-print of stalls in traditional
trade shows will start shrinking over time.


WOODNEWS | January - February 2021

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