For generations, the name Severin has been a synonym for quality. The company has developed from a traditional handicraft enterprise to a sought-after supplier for the furniture and leisure industry. The company is one of the leading providers of table tops and components for indoor and outdoor areas with production focused in "working and processing of wooden and plastic material". Customers of the traditional company that was founded in 19 are especially firms from the living, garden and leisure furniture sector. "For them we produce all around the table top - and this in top quality", says Marco Wiedemann, Managing Director of Severin Holz- und Kunststoff GmbH.
The company located in Ense Waltringen produces several 100,000 table tops per year with its approximately 30 employees. Due to the high automation a turnover of more than 8 million Euros could be made in 2014."In the past the packaging of table tops was rather a time consuming process, starting with procurement of pre-fabricated cardboards, via the carton handling, up to finally packaging at the packaging stations", states Marco Wiedemann.
Offcut is clearly reduced
However, beside standard, special measures in often very small quantities require an individual packaging. So, storages with pre-fabricated cardboards in determined measures had been the rule. Despite this large variety, however, a lot of cardboards had manually to be cut to deviating dimensions. "The individual cutting and the lacking edge protection affected not only negatively the first impression of our high quality table tops", said Wiedemann, "but it also caused a lot of offcut".
The ecological responsibility is fix anchored in the company's general principle and is also actively practiced.So one can understand that topics as a sustainable waste avoidance and recycling of raw material play an important role. Thus, the decision to invest in a cardboard cutting machine has been a logical step.
Like a tailored suit
Since October 2014, HOMAG Automation's <link record:tx_homag_products:tx_homag_domain_model_product:156 _blank>VKS 250 has assumed production of tailor-made packaging for table tops. The machine, equipped with a 3-fold endless cardboard changing system and "side-by-side" function, enables up to 3 percent less process costs. And this is not all. The cardboard-box cutting machine can cut needed carton for the table top as optimal as it was a tailored suit from six different web widths.
Creativity is encouraged
Additionally, it is fun to operate the packaging machine. The operating concept powerTouch and the VKS control intelliCut enable a very easy machine operation. “Our staff is excited. A time consuming training was not necessary”,tells Wiedemann. "A positive side effect: Our employees are bubbling with creativity in regard to new packaging possibilities. Another source of inspiration to further optimize packaging is the VKS shop with more than 200 possible cardboard cuttings."
“For us, high quality and the professional appearance of the packaging is very important, because the table tops are directly sold to end customers via the wholesale. For us, the confirmation to have invested in the right machine is to have received the hundredth HOMAG Automation VKS machine. This number speaks for experience and know how in the packaging sector.”Marco Wiedmann, Managing Director Severin Holz- und Kunststoff GmbH