ADAM Fustería doubles its productivity with IMOS
ADAM Fustería was founded in 1930. Currently run by Ricard Adam, it treasures the knowledge and experience of three generations of carpenters. Its customers are mainly situated in Cerdanya, Andorra, Barcelona and Sitges. The company is a traditional carpentry workshop, not specialising in any particular area, but able to offer a wide range of products and capable of undertaking any work with wood and panels. From roofs to made-to-measure furniture, windows, parquet, cladding... The factory is structured in two floors; one for the production of the solid wood and the other for the panels, with state-of-the-art HOLZ-HER machinery, linked to a technical office from where the production is organised and programmed. This is where IMOS arrived approximately two years ago.
“The professional carpenter is retiring, and vocational training does not generate the quality we need,” reports the young entrepreneur from Cerdanya. "Due to the lack of such a professional and skilled profile, we decided to make the leap to modern software linked to numerical control techniques."
IMOS at Adam: Before and after
IMOS is a working concept to which ADAM has adapted. "The programme adapted to us and we adapted to the programme", recalls Ricard Adam. IMOS offers a complete software, adaptable to all types of work. It speeds up the manufacturing process and makes it much more comfortable.
Thanks to IMOS, ADAM Fusteria has doubled its productivity. In addition, it now presents its customers with accurate cut-outs, attractive renderings and up-to-the-minute details. In real time, the library can be updated with new products, components and material suppliers. There is no need to assemble furniture on site. Parts are already manufactured to exact dimensions, so the furniture is packaged and shipped directly to site, without the need for fitting or testing.
“The software was successfully implemented in a very short time, because the staff was fully involved. They practiced and broadened their knowledge over time," mentions María García, Area Manager at SCHULER Consulting, the company that implemented IMOS at ADAM Fustería. “They showed a willingness to work with the tool immediately. It is an exemplary client and it was a pleasure to work with them".
The renowned company from Puigcerdá has far exceeded their expectations. "Introducing a new work system was difficult, but now we feel very comfortable," says Ricard Adam. The people who prepared the orders in the office then went to the workshop to produce the parts. With IMOS, only one person is needed in the technical office to prepare all the orders. Thanks to this tool, ADAM has also optimised its human resources and the time of its operators. “Anything you can draw, you can do by machine," resumes the young entrepreneur. “With IMOS we have achieved this, with comfort and safety for our operators, precision and clarity for the customer and high productivity for the company".
"I'm amazed at the things they do with the programme," concludes Ricardo Adam, Ricard's father and a lover of traditional carpentry. "In the morning they start drawing a kitchen and by the afternoon it's finished. Doing a more perfect job, faster, without risks. It is spectacular".
IMOS opens up new digital ways for the woodworking industry
The imos iX 2019 software version is the result of the technological development that was launched in 2017. The trends and technologies of digitalisation have been included in the development and offer new opportunities, from the end customer to the machine. imos AG has deepened the focus on Virtual Reality, further achieving the concept of a continuous complete solution.
The result is a complete and optimised process that is fully adjusted to the usage profiles of the furniture industry. Therefore, iX 2019 is even more integrative and continuous than its predecessor.
In addition to the revised user interface, emphasis has been placed on user-friendliness, so that the new version is much easier to use. The core modules of iX such as CAD, CAM, NET, PLAN and iFurn have been revised and convince with new functions for the user in industry and commerce.
ADAM Fustería
The carpentry workshop based in Puigcerdà (Spain) has been producing individual solutions for its customers since 1930. Today, the family business is run in the third generation by Ricard Adam. On a production area of 1000m2 they manufacture kitchens, furniture, doors, windows and much more.
More about ADAM Fustería