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We believe that good service means providing assistance quickly, as well as being on hand to deliver expert advice. What's more, we like to work closely with our customers.
Join us on the road to success: Our service team will ensure that you get off to an excellent start. With our guarantee, we use our services to ensure that your performance is always miles ahead — and if you want to get the best you can out of your current status, then we will help you to improve even further. If you choose a new technology altogether, we'll be ready to start the process from scratch!
Our objective is derived from this: We create added value for you personally by getting the most out of your processes. We believe that good service means providing assistance quickly, as well as being on hand to deliver expert advice. What's more, we like to work closely with our customers. To this end, as a new feature, we have put together a comprehensive package of different service modules that are very closely aligned to your processes. They can be deployed more flexibly than ever. And this means they'll fit your requirements perfectly!

Installation: An excellent start | Laying the right foundations.
Our on-site team will ensure that your newly acquired technology is brought to life. The machine is positioned by laser and anchored in the ground, then is commissioned and has its software activated before being handed over to the operating personnel.

Training: Successful daily business | Peace of mind
To ensure that your machine is performing as it should be every day, we are able to supply you with wearing and spare parts. We also offer maintenance services such as inspection or servicing. And if something is urgent, we have a hotline to assist you quickly and efficiently. We also offer apps such as MachineBoard, ServiceBoard and twinio that make everyday work considerably easier.
Further development: From good to great | Shaping the future
The beauty of HOMAG is that you can expand our solutions precisely in the way that you need to, especially in terms of automation. If you're making plans for future development, we'd be only too happy to get involved so we can fully disclose all the options that are available to you. Our consulting team can also analyze the overall effectiveness of your equipment.